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Local: Fortaleza, Ce

Eu sou aquela espécie em extinção, totalmente exótica, que causa espanto...

//Sobre o Blog

Após algumas tentativas de criar um blog, peregrinações em sites resolvi construir aqui meu lugar.Não apenas um diário...ou não um diário, mas onde mostrarei minhas percepções, as músicas que me tocam, os sonhos que me perpetuam, as tristezas que me afligem ...Derramarei um pouco do que sou, do que almejo ser e também do que fui... Porque a mudança é uma constante, e se assim não fosse seria realmente chato viver! Considere-se Bem Vindo ao mundo fantástico de Letícia ...

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Template by Perséfone

erinnern Sie sich

quinta-feira, março 09, 2006

Fallen Angel

found you broken on the ground
And from your mouth a bitter sound
That became sweeter as I approached
You in your deepest agony
I put you up and raised you well
And more than stories ever tell
I feel in love with you those days
And hoped that you would too
You've been a fallen angel
Ripped out of the sky
But as your wings grew strong enough
You left me - behind to die
We built up a own world together
For our future I assumedI believed in what you said that day
But was already doomed
The more you've learned and grown
The less you cared for me
But I was too blinded by my feelings
To see the dawning agony
"I love you more than
I can sayAnd we will never part"
You told me nearly every day
But still you broke my heart
As soon as you could fly againInto the open sky
You left me without any reasonBack on this world to die

//Escrito por Perséfone às |

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